The postcards proved to be a pain. I Looked high and low for 250gm paper (thin enough for the printer and coppier) to no avail - i have no idea where i got the first few sheets - so printed them on 200gm paper - a bit too thin for my liking, but, substatinaly cheaper and i think that due to the thiness they will get a bit more character into them - they don't look so thin on the wall only to the touch. I removed the printed address in favour of people writing it in their own handwriting, the cards were also stained in tea to remove the mass produced bright white from them, much better and now there is some tonal variants in them which hopefuly will prove intresting en mass.
Now all thats left to be done is:
- give out all cards
- get back all cards
- catalouge boxes
- create catalouge both hard copy and online
- investigation report
- essays :(
I'm breathing a little easier now but still scared!
I have recived a nice total of 60 synchronised travel pics from other people! Now begins the task of formatting them into a book.