Monday, August 31, 2009

Who wants a postcard??

FINALLY the postcards are done, stamped and in the process of being sent out to people and giving them to people - have managed to get out about 30 of the 90 out - so hopefully by the wednesday i can palm them off onto honours people and their familes.

The postcards proved to be a pain. I Looked high and low for 250gm paper (thin enough for the printer and coppier) to no avail - i have no idea where i got the first few sheets - so printed them on 200gm paper - a bit too thin for my liking, but, substatinaly cheaper and i think that due to the thiness they will get a bit more character into them - they don't look so thin on the wall only to the touch. I removed the printed address in favour of people writing it in their own handwriting, the cards were also stained in tea to remove the mass produced bright white from them, much better and now there is some tonal variants in them which hopefuly will prove intresting en mass.

Now all thats left to be done is:
  1. give out all cards
  2. get back all cards
  3. catalouge boxes
  4. create catalouge both hard copy and online
  5. investigation report
  6. essays :(

I'm breathing a little easier now but still scared!


I have recived a nice total of 60 synchronised travel pics from other people! Now begins the task of formatting them into a book.

Monday, August 24, 2009

postcards ahoy

The recreation of the couple of drawings that were too overworked and contained too much information was well worth the effort, the drawings now hang together much better and i'm just happier with them in general,

Have spent today making them into postcards, slicing them into 9 and putting them into 6"X4" cards.

Instead of scanning them i got a pleasing result from taking a photo of them in the highest res on my good camera, and cropping them down -

however there is a bit of colour difference on them which i'm leaving to sort out tomorrow in the digi labs.

I'm up to 49 submissions for my synchronised traveling, a few people, have submitted more than once but it's all part of it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

no not done yet

have decided that 2 of my drawings need to be redone! oh the horror. It has delayed the timetable - - - - - - - oh well.

Monday, August 10, 2009


its a closer count down than what i first thought - my computer died - so had to go to wollongong to get it fixed - now i have a new OH so quiet power supply in it and dad very very kindly lent me his laptop to use which is great so now i can do all my file uploads, renaming etc in front of the tv which makes it so much more palatable. have almost finished my 10 drawings (hopefully all done by the end of the week) so then they will be off to the printers etc, need to start on my theory too- - as a typical art student i've left everything to the last minute. auugghh

Thursday, August 6, 2009


have set a dead line for myself and also for the people helping me out - 30th of this month - which is both liberating and very very scary as the educational year is almost at the end. My computer died when i was away and so working on a little laptop which isnt the best for photo editing etc etc etc. have about 30 people who have participated. t think that i have been on task with taking my photos everyday but will have to wait till i get my computer back to upload everything and to get my book published !

eeeppp off to school .

Monday, August 3, 2009

Marta Rosler - the bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems 1975

Martha Rosler’s, “The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems” (1974-5) introduces the Museum’s approach to “neighborhood” and contextualizes artists’ significant engagement with the area. The work offers a poetic, humorous, even elegaic interrogation of the concept of the Bowery as urban blight. Refusing the style of documentary or journalistic portraiture often used to personify poverty through the degraded human subject, Rosler concentrates instead on the evidence of an absence: empty liquor bottles and assorted detritus that suggest alcohol infused vagrancy and mark the passage of time. Juxtaposing these images with lists of synonyms for drunkenness or drunks and the words “dead soldiers, dead marines,” the work amplifies the void of representation while alluding to the unknowable path traversed by the so-called “Bowery bum.”

I love this idea of the evidence of an absence !!

after the cruise

back on dry land and it still feels like i'm on the boat.

Since i have been back i've been badgering people to submit and upload their synchronized travel photos - its working - - - slowly.

have given a deadline and a prize as intensive which might speed people along.

First day back and i forgot my pencil case - was a blessing in disguise as i ended up doing all the bit's n pieces that are dull like gridding up my paper, doing the photocopies etc etc etc.

Through doing some of my theory research was reading a collection of essays or chapters i guess called "the return of the real" by hal foster - there was a chapter in it discussing the artist as ethnographer which contained some interesting artists -

Silvia Kolbowski - Enlarged from the catalogue - feb 1990