Monday, May 25, 2009


Things have been happening slowly and slowly over the last two weeks in the studio - ive got about 18 people to do the travel photos. Ive been drawing from them using a gridded map format of the basis from them playing on that idea of travel and how we map - record or log our experiences

I planned to make 10 drawings/maps one reflective of each step of teh sychronized travelling steps.

After the drawing was finished I wanted to fold the paper into a - folded map - I tried it with the thicker paper - stonehenge that i used alot last year - but it tended to rip rather than fold - i then used canson paper - a cream colour that was flexible enough to fold but warped when i used any water or paint on it which i was useing to lighten the photocopy transfers - I got a big posca poster pen that put a fine layer of paint over them instead to eliviate the warping - when i finished one drawing I folded it - and it looked a bit underwhemling - so have so have continued on with the maps but not folding them as of yet

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